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4 Compelling Reasons You Must Invest in College Campus Virtual Tours

In previous times, when prospective students wanted to learn about any particular college, they would look for its brochures to find relevant college information. But nowadays due to the evolution of technology, gathering college information has become a much easier and effective process, thanks to college campus virtual tours.

The initial stages of college search and application filing are completed mostly online, and sometimes without an in-person visit by the student. College campus virtual tours have made it very easy for students to find out what their prospective college is like. Schools and universities that are looking to attract more students are investing in these tours to showcase the highlights of their campus and student life to prospects.

If you are still contemplating the need for college campus virtual tours, here are some arguments to facilitate your decision.

1) Bring the campus to the prospect

A college education is a big thing. When a student enrolls in a college, it means that he will be spending the next couple of years on that campus, calling it home. By taking a virtual tour of the campus, they can look at the place and visualize themselves as a part of that life. And this can facilitate their decision of whether or not to choose that college for their further education.

2) Highlight the buildings and unique landmarks

Many colleges across the globe boast incredibly unique architecture on the campus. If your campus too has something that can attract the prospects, it could be one of the best selling points.

College campus virtual tours provide you with the best platform to show off your campus. The prospects can explore the different areas and learn about the various landmarks around your campus. When the students are in the final stages of selecting a college, it may be just the architectural details that make your college memorable enough to make the last cut.

3) Share the college experience with family

For many parents, sending their child to college can be very stressful. A virtual tour enables the parents and other family members to see how their child is going to live in the college. They can see the dorms of the students, the classrooms, the dining facilities, cafeteria, etc. Besides, parents can also ensure that there is adequate security on the campus through these tours.

As a matter of fact, many schools and universities create college campus virtual tours primarily for parents. This can help them to acquaint themselves with significant landmarks, parking facilities, and other information and easily locate the college on move-in day.

4) Offers vital information

Does your college have some really impressive statistics? If yes, mentioning them on a virtual tour is a pretty good option. When facts are listed on a website, they normally go unnoticed and unread by prospective students. But in the tour, you can easily highlight all such facts. For instance, sports achievements can be included in the athletic part of the tour, student records can be stated in the extracurricular part, etc. This will make the tour much more interesting and attract potential students to physically visit.


So, the aforementioned points highlight the importance of college campus virtual tours. If you wish to secure 2x enrollments, investing in these tours is a must.